Those who knew James knew that he loved the Dallas Cowboys. It was his team, and that was non-negotiable. James had a passion for sports. He always would tell the kids and me that we could choose our own teams for everything except football. In our house, the Cowboys reigned supreme.  Lucky for him, we followed his lead for all sports, not just football.

Football season is a tough time for me. I would often spend the day making his favorite football foods, or just occupy myself with shopping and running errands. I will never let go of those memories. Now I spend my Sundays at the cemetery.

I still have his preset Sirus XM radio stations in the truck. Sometimes, I get in and a sports station would be playing (knowing I didn’t have that on when I last drove it). I like to think he’s trying to just tell me to listen for him. In addition to watching the games, James took fantasy football quite seriously. He would plan our weeks around it. I now would give anything to be able to complain about it to him again. I have not had the courage to follow sports like I used to when he was alive. How could I? Watching the game isn’t the same as with him in the room next to me. 

It has been quite a rough day today. One of his good friends sent a text saying “I see pics from Oxnard & think of James.” Oxnard is where the Dallas Cowboys training is held. James went as often as he could. It’s funny how something that seems so little can make such an impact on someone’s life. Yet, for James, it was a big deal. 

I want to end this with some advice for you. The next time you have a chance, hug your partner. Tell them you love them. Appreciate their quirks and pray that you won’t be put in the position to write about all of those things that you truly miss about them. Life can end so suddenly. Treasure what you have while it’s still there.


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